Monday, March 10, 2008


i believe....
i believe tat....
God exist..
i believe tat..
he's always there when we need him..
i believe tat im His creation...
i believe tat nothing is greater than a mother's love...
i believe tat the is love in ones live..
i believ tat love can be heaven....
i believe tat love heals..
i believe tat love can b painful at times.....
i also belive tat love kills....
i believe tat a smile....
is quite a funny thing......
that brighten up ur lives..
i believe tat a child's smile..
is da purest..
i believe tat their laughter is the best cure..
i believe tat failures..
are da stepping stone for success..
i believe that..
life is full of hurdles..
i believe tat whoever manage to go through..
all these hurdles..
r those who had managed to win His heart..