Monday, March 31, 2008

Ayat Kursi!!!!!!!!

Dlm sebuah hadis, ada menyebut perihal seekor syaitan yg duduk diatas pintu rumah.
Tugasnya ialah utk menanam keraguan di hati suami terhadap kesetiaan isteri di rumah dan keraguan dihati isteri terhadap kejujuran suami di luar rumah.
Sebab itulah Rasulullah tidak akan masuk rumah sehinggalah Baginda mendengar jawapan salam daripada isterinya.
Disaat itu syaitan akan lari bersama-sama dengan salam itu.
Hikmat Ayat Al-Kursi mengikut Hadis-hadis:
1) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi apabila berbaring di tempat tidurnya, Allah SWT mewakilkan dua orang Malaikat memeliharanya hingga subuh.
2) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir setiap sembahyang Fardhu, dia akan berada dlm lindungan Allah SWT hingga sembahyang yang lain.
3) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap sembahyang,tidak menegah akan dia daripada masuk syurga kecuali maut dan barang siapa membacanya ketika hendak tidur, Allah SWT memelihara akan dia ke atas rumahnya, rumah jirannya dan ahli rumah-rumah disekitarnya.
4) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap2 sembahyang fardhu, Allah SWT menganugerahkan dia setiap hati orang yg bersyukur,setiap perbuatan orang yg benar,pahala nabi2 serta Allah melimpahkan padanya rahmat.
5) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi sebelum keluar rumahnya, maka Allah SWT mengutuskan 70,000 Malaikat kepadanya - mereka semua memohon keampunan dan mendoakan baginya.
6) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir sembahyang Allah SWT akan mengendalikan pengambilan rohnya dan dia adalah seperti orang yang berperang bersama Nabi Allah sehingga mati syahid.
7) Barang siapa yang membaca ayat Al-Kursi ketika dalam kesempitan nescaya Allah SWT berkenan memberi pertolongan kepadanya.
Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr r.a., Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda,Sampaikanl ah pesanku biarpun satu ayat..." Wassalam, "Utamakan SELAMAT dan SEHAT untuk Dunia Mu, Utamakan SHOLAT dan ZAKAT untuk Akhirat Mu" ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- - < >> Subhanallah. ..
Tujuh kalimat Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W " Barang siapa hafal tujuh kalimat, ia terpandang mulia di sisi Allah dan Malaikat serta diampuni dosa-dosanya walau sebanyak busa/buih laut " 1. Mengucap Bismillah pada tiap-tiap hendak melakukan sesuatu.
2. Mengucap Alhamdulillah pada tiap-tiap selesai melakukan sesuatu.
3. Mengucap Astagfirullah jika lidah tersilap perkataan yang tidak patut
4. Mengucap Insya Allah jika merencanakan berbuat sesuatu di hari esok.
5. Mengucap La haula wala kuwwata illa billah jika menghadapi sesuatu tak disukai dan tak diingini.
6. Mengucap inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun jika menghadapi dan menerima musibah.
7. Mengucap La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah sepanjang siang malam sehingga tak terpisah dari lidahnya dari tafsir hanafi, mudah- mudahan ingat, walau lambat-lambat mudah- mudahan selalu, walau sambil lalu mudah- mudahan jadi bisa, kerena sudah biasa!

LOVE is unreasonable!!!!

Dalam satu kisah percintaan yang menarik.
Sepasang suami isteri berjalandi tepi sebuah tasik yang indah.
Kemudian mereka berhenti di sebuah bangku yang disediakan di tepi tasik.
Kemudian si isteri bertanya kepada sisuami.
Ini dialog mereka
Isteri : Mengapa abang menyukai saya? Mengapa abang cintakan saya?
Suami : Abang tidak boleh menerangkan sebabnya, namun begitu abang memang menyayangi dan mencintai Sayang!
Isteri : Abang tak boleh terangkan sebabnya? Bagaimana abang boleh katakan abang sayang dan cintakan saya sedangkan abang tidak boleh menerangkannya.
Suami : Betul! Abang tak tahu sebabnya tetapi abang boleh buktikan bahawa abang memang cintakan Sayang!
Isteri : Tak boleh beri bukti! Tidak! Saya hendak abang terangkan kepada saya sebabnya. Kawan-kawan saya yang lain yang mempunyai suami dan teman lelaki, semuanya tahu menerangkan mengapa mereka mencintai.
Dalam bentuk puisi dan syair lagi.
Namun begitu abang tidak boleh terangkan sebabnya
Si suami menarik nafas panjang dan dia berkata "Baiklah!
Abang mencintai Sayang sebab sayang cantik, mempunyai suara yang merdu, penyayang dan mengingati abang selalu.
Abang juga sukakan senyuman manis dan setiap tapak Sayang melangkah, di situlah cinta Abang bersama Sayang!"Si isteri tersenyum dan berpuas hati dengan penerangan suaminya tadi. Namun begitu selang beberapa hari si isteri mengalami kemalangan dan koma.
Si suami amat bersedih dan menulis sepucuk surat kepada isterinya yangdisayangi.
Surat itu diletakkan di sebelah katil isterinya di hospital.
Surat tersebut berbunyi begini :"Sayang!Jika disebabkan suara aku mencintai mu... sekarang bolehkah engkau bersuara?
Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintai mu.
Jika disebabkankasih sayang dan ingatan aku mencintai mu...sekarang bolehkah engkaumenunjukkannya?
Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintai mu.
Jika disebabkan senyuman aku mencintai mu... sekarang bolehkah engkautersenyum? Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintai mu.Jika disebabkansetiap langkah aku mencintai mu.... sekarang bolehkah engkau melangkah?
Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintai mu.
Jika cinta memerlukansebabnya, seperti sekarang.
Aku tidak mempunyai sebab mencintai mu lagi.
Adakah cinta memerlukan sebab? Tidak! Aku masih mencintai mu dulu, kini,selamanya dan cinta tidak perlu ada sebab.
Kadangkala perkara tercantikdan terbaik di dunia tidak boleh dilihat, dipegang. Namun begitu... ia boleh dirasai dalam hati."

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hayden I love You Dude!!!!!!!!!!

Amazing YoU!!!!

Nice movie... i enjoyed!!!

Actually saby lil depress.... huahuahua

What happen was???

After watching the movie i followed my fren to do her shoppin, we were at pavillion...

We were in Forever 21 store... i was just lookin around...

When we were in the queue to pay...

Oh god i never thought i will see that....

Damn sad.....

The cashier was wearing a gold chain with her name written on curve writing on it....

Saby misses her chain now....

I need you chain...

I am sorry ...

I will take care of this time plzzz return...

I wont take u for granted....

Allah return my chain...

I miss it a lotttttttttttttt....


Atlast thanks to INA!!!!!!!
Thanks for temaning me to watch this movie....
LOve yea!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Snap ME !!!!!

Caught sleepin with her college baju!!!!

Sleepin like a dead dog....

Snapped !!!!

Saby was snapped while her nap for a hour after her college time at home!!!!

Hate her pics yet she blogs it.... cozzzzzzzz....

She thinks she is somehow cute in it!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, March 28, 2008

Special Friend!

Happy Birthday!!!!!!

Moon u made my day very special....
U touched my heart....
U awaken my soul...
Only my tears cudnt flow out coz too happy and excited...
Thanks a lot dude!!!!
Our Friendship Last Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My New Friend

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Live or Die!!!!

Empty soul...
Life seems hopeless and no purpose...
PAIN never leaves the soul...
Lonely days haunts without failing a min in a day...
Lost everything in life...
All motivation seems useless...
Complains are filed in the heart...
NoNE to vomit out the suffering...
Hopeless days seems never ending....
Misserable situations seems never ending too...
Tough task breaks soul which suppose to build
Neglected all the time....
Unstoppable tears...

Will u ever understand how i feel?
Why is it so hard for u to tell me truth?

Saby is damn depress no words can express how she feels...
This all she gets after all her geninuen act...

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!!

Stepping into the world of freedom....
Actually my parents has given me the key of freedom from the day i was born...
No restriction, no rules, no boundaries to do things....
Grow up in that kind of enviroment .... This 21st birthday key doesnt make any different to me...
Just as adding an candle to my cake wishin myself brighter future as the brighter lights my cake gets from the candle....
I have always faced difficulties before walking through smooth roads...
No regrets of my past 21 years coz with struggling i wudnt have appreciated the moment now....
All struggels have made me stronger...
Thanks to God for everything....
List of people i wud like to say thanks.....
-Unc Azeem
-Aunt rahisa
-Aunt Fuzzie
-Li Ting
-Wei Lin
-Wai hong
-Poay lin
-Wai san
-Hui Huang
-Kaka Haiza
endless list... sorry guys i hope i have included everyones name....
Thanks a lot for the sms and calls...
It made my birthday somewhat special... Thanks

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Baby Accidentally Flushed At Birth!!!!

A 36 year-old woman accidentally gave birth yesterday in a train traveling from Tai Dong to Tai Pei. The nine month pregnant woman was in the bathroom when her baby was born and accidentally flushed down the toilet.
When the train reached the next station, an hour and a half later, the rescue team arrived and got to work. They immediately sent the mother to the hospitol while they tried to pull the baby from the toilet bowl opening.

Due the the babies fading condition, they finally decided to saw the pipe in half and rescued the baby.
She was born weighing 6.6 pounds and is now in stable condition.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Love is in the air!!!!

Once, there was this guy, who was in love with a gal.

She wasn't the most beautiful and gorgeous but for him, she was everything.

He used to dream about her, about spending the rest of life with her.

His friends told him, "why do you dream so much about her, when you don't even know if she loves you or not?

First tell her your feelings, and get to know if she likesyou or not".

He felt that was the right way.

The girl knew from thebeginning, that this guy loves her.

One day when he proposed, she rejected him.

His friends thought he would take to alcohol; drugs etc. and ruin his life.

To their surprise, he was not depressed.

When they asked him how was it that he is not sad, hereplied...
"why should I feel bad?

I lost one who never loved me & she lost the one who really loved and cared for her."

Life is beautiful!!!!

As I jumped off the building's 11th floor...........

9th floor

7th floor

6th floor

4th floor

3rd floor2nd floorNow the ground zero Ya.

Life in all its sorrows and happiness, is still beautiful and precious....
Do make the best of it..........Only Cheers....n....smiles are counted.
So u better be prepared to smile at whoever u come across.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Praying Hard!!!!!

Extreme Hope.
Praying hard
Hope god is listening
My only prayers for you
Without regrets i will pray
Hope my sincere prays will seek god's attention
Nothing much i could belive in except my prayers
Disappointment will never meet me
I belive true prays will be granted
Many people can take over my lane yet i belive i have already reached you so no need to race
I never tried to impress you but just try to impress myself by being someone better
World can stand against my theory yet my heart seeks for your care
Sounds pathetic when i say no matter what i will hope
But thats what makes me happy
Dont try to hide u might struggle to do so
I know the truth
Everything needs time
Thats all i belive in
Nuthing good can be achieved easily
Need to struggle so that we will appreciate it later
Right or wrong doesnt matter
Happiness that can be felt does matter the most
Life can never be objective
Too many choices yet decisions are made
Upon own risk
Praying hard just for you

Sunday, March 16, 2008


"Be thankful to GOD that you don't already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful to HIM when you don't know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn."
"Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary,
because it means you've made a difference."
Have a nice day....

Friday, March 14, 2008


Heard wats life???? Wats life? Still looking????

I have gone thru a lot of books to find the exact meaning for it....
Flippin more pages to gain knowledge about life has made me realize nuthing can explain wats the exact meaning of life...
Experience = Life

Exactly Experience = Life.....
Everyday obstacles are root of life...
Hard or easy.. Happy or sad... Difficult or manageable... It grows day by day till the root of the life dies...
Thats when its called death of a human....
Life is always a learning process...
It can never be perfect coz everyone is still learning...
None on earth can be teacher to teach wats life.....
Individual life is like each ones personal diary....
Index is ur different situation in life....
Page no. are the days of ur life...
U gain or loose the page adds on... Todays story tommorows history....
The more u write the more u learn about it...
Thickness of ur diary depends on the experience of ur life .. the more u face in life the more ur pages add on.... The more thicker ur diary will be.....
Its interesting for others to read or not it depends on the way u feel about ur life...
Life is desinged by your own hands....
Situation as god test....
The diary contain of simple or complex words reflects ur personality...
The more simple u write, more people can understand and more people wants to read...
Bein complex doesnt take u any more far than u think....
Cover of ur diary doesnt need to look fabolous.. contents are more looked in...
As a proverb says dun judge the bookd by its cover!!!!!
Wow wow wow.... Defining life isnt simple...

I belive evryone has thier own definition for life!!!!
For me.. be happy and love life..... never ever forget god even a sec....
That all in my life....
No matter how far i get in life... Its not goin to be worth if i never appreciated the moments i felt.. Thats gods gift not everyone can feel it.....

Huhuhuh tell me about it... Saby is smart.... Lives only for her.. Never cared wat others say only belive in god... Thats me

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Realize !!!!!!

Tuning on to the radio.... I heard this song ....ohhh my god touched my heart...

I know i always left behind with music... Old school meeeeeeee... Anyway i do get updated.. hehehe

Colbie Caillat Realize Lyric

Take time to realize
That your warmth is
Crashing down on in
Take time to realize
That I am on your side
didn't I, didn't I tell you
But I can't spell it out for you
No it's never gonna be that simple
No I can't spell it out for you
If you just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other, now
Take time to realize
Oh oh, I'm on your side
Didn't I, didn't I tell you
Take time to realize
This could all pass you by
Didn't I tell you
But I can't spell it out for you
No it's never gonna be that simple
No I can't spell it out for you
If you just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other, but
It's not the same
No it's never the same
If you don't feel it too
If you meet me half way
If you would meet me half way
It could be the same for you
If you just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other
Just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other, now
Missed out on each other now
Missed out on each other now
Missed out on each other now owa, owa ohh

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Extreme Hope!!!!!

Saby's weekend pics!!!! Yummy chocolates.. Tell me about it!!!!!!

Havin chocolate thats all day long i wont say no to....

I have this chocolate paper collection.. Wish to make an exhibition in my room... Just to exhibit that i have eaten almost all the types of chocolates in the world.. HEHEHEHE... Not kidding??

Lately watched few movies.. Updatin with movies after so long.... The most i enjoyed was....

Huhuhu... Damn cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At work......
I was standing inside the staff lift area and waiting for lift to come down to G floor....
Guess wat happen??????
Huhuhuhu damn shocked.....
THis macho looking guy who never approached for past three years acually try to have a conversation with me hehehehehe....
Intention ??? I have no idea but was damn excited man.....
So handsome and macho.. He is a radiographer....
Honestly my eyes really flirts when it comes to Extreme Hot guys....
Anyway he approached me by asking :"apa khabar?"...
I look around ..... Really is he talkin to me or???
Hehehehe no one was around ... I replied him by sayin khbar baik...
He was holding a envelope .... I asked him anything i can help u....
In a teasing way he said u wan to ke????
I said if can why not... He asked which floor???
Ooopssss different floor he is gettin too...
Anyway he still chatted with me.. asking how is my management...
Where i am planning to work lah??? Blah Blah Blah...
HAhhahahaha i cudnt belive... I wonder wat made this terrific guy to talk to me....
Ohhhh God... Stunt with his macho looks....
I know as a girl it sounds so flirty..
Honestly i admire good looking guys without any evilish thoughts...
Excited man.....
He did notice me.......
Great Day:)
P/S My dude ... Miss yea so much.. Wish i cud tell u how much i miss u.. No ego just dun wan to disturb u... Got me!!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008


i believe....
i believe tat....
God exist..
i believe tat..
he's always there when we need him..
i believe tat im His creation...
i believe tat nothing is greater than a mother's love...
i believe tat the is love in ones live..
i believ tat love can be heaven....
i believe tat love heals..
i believe tat love can b painful at times.....
i also belive tat love kills....
i believe tat a smile....
is quite a funny thing......
that brighten up ur lives..
i believe tat a child's smile..
is da purest..
i believe tat their laughter is the best cure..
i believe tat failures..
are da stepping stone for success..
i believe that..
life is full of hurdles..
i believe tat whoever manage to go through..
all these hurdles..
r those who had managed to win His heart..

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Saturday Post!!!!

Bing Bang BoNG!!!!!

Hectic day... Day working.. eVENING TRAVELLING... nIGht studying...
How more busy my day can get?????

I will remember this day coz i meet someone nice!!!!

Its Shahril.... Come on this guy knows too much...
THis is how he approached me....
I was on my seat no9... he said u are no9 i am 8 hehehehe thats cute..
A cute malay guy ex student from uk.. and now have seen the most places on earth...
What more i can think of other than asking about where nursing is in demand???
And my paris did come along in my question...
Paris paris paris.. i am comin to see u .....
Oh God this guy was talkin about politics a lot coz it was day of voting.. Tell me about it...
Actually that was his first time travelling by bus.. he just arrived from china and his car was in ipoh so he had to travel all the way down to get his car back.. Complicated situation..
Anyway i think we were fated to meet....
It was really great to meet u shahril....
Hope to meet more people like u...
Thanks for all the knowledge...
Take care yea...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tell me about Today!!!!

Guess what?????????

Saby feelsssssssss a step up then yesterday... hehehehehehe....

A liltle story about at work today????

Medication nurse???? Me!!!!!!

Tell me about it... Oh god.... felt really like a dumbnut man....

Soooo much i need to know... wrong career???? Haiya penatlah....

Anyway my brain just after a cranial injury.... HuHUhUh the staff nurse bang me upside down....

Guess wat atlast i still cud just smile coz i know i am nt that stupid hahahahahaha....

Anyway Staff Nurse Chang u are really good in teaching....

Put myself in ur position i wud have squeezed the student's brain out of the cranium and modify it hahahahahaha... Craps... Summary work was ok... need to learn more i guess...

Guess wat???????????

I stepped on the weigh machine with an suspicious thought.... I Cud have lost weight hhmmm never????

Yet oh god i lost 1.4kg... Hurray.... Jumping all over its a big thing for me... Saby will diet more to loose more hahahahaha....

dAMN HAPPY FEELIN A KG LIGHTER.... makes a lot of difference to me.....

p/s rinduinggggggggggg this dude so muchhhhhhhhhhh but its ok......... try to live with it.....



The Bottom Line
These problems you are struggling with are not real problems -- you've got it good!

In Detail
You're feeling a bit distracted right now, but you're worrying about things that really don't deserve all of this attention. These problems you are struggling with are molehills, not mountains. You've let little things grow in your imagination into big things -- but they aren't, really. So let go of all of this worry! These are things you just can't do anything about, and they will take care of themselves soon enough, anyhow. In the meantime, focus on good thoughts that will lighten your mood.

i NEED more motivation..... Inspiration.....
Thanks God:)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dad's Birthday!!!


OuR thOse dAyS pIc... HAhahAHahaha.... Missin yeah.. bE Back soon!!!

Knock Knock Knock!!!!!

Tell me wat day is today????

My Daddy's Birthday......

HaPpy BiRthday to YoU...

hAPpy bIrTHdAy To YoU....

hApPY bIRTHDAy To atha..

Happy bithday To You...

May Allah bless u dad with infinity happiness and good health....

U are a great DAD!!!!

Hmm wish u were here anyway miss ya a lotttttttttttttttttt.!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom Miss you toooooooooooo HeHehEhEhEhe......

Have a great day.... Rock it and PimP it my cool dad!!!!!